Author Archives: anuj - Page 10
Why Hilbert Space in Quantum Mechanics?
Heisenberg's matrix mechanics and Schrödinger's wave mechanics - have a common underlying mathematical structure. That common structure is Hilbert space. These two theories are said to be isomorphic. If you…
Gravitational Redshift, Inertia, and the Role of Charge
The document titled "Gravitational Redshift, Inertia, and the Role of Charge" by Johannes Fankhauser and James Read explores several nuanced aspects of gravitational redshift and related phenomena. Here is…
Colliding Neutron Stars and Baryonic Pollution
Colliding neutron stars - Gravitational waves, neutrino emission, and gamma-ray bursts - by M. Ruffert1 and Janka2 This document discusses the collision of neutron stars in the context of their…
Exercises on Rings and Modules by T.Y. Lam
"Exercises on Rings and Modules" contains a collection of exercises designed to help students understand and practice concepts related to rings and modules in abstract algebra. Here are the key…
Hawking Radiation and Black Hole Thermodynamics
The document titled "Hawking Radiation and Black Hole Thermodynamics" by Don N. Page provides a comprehensive review of the theoretical developments in the understanding of black holes, focusing on their…
Entanglement and Symmetry
The paper titled Entanglement—A Higher Order Symmetry" by Paul O’Hara Entanglement Concept: Entanglement is described as a state where the wave function defined over a Hilbert Space is a pure…
Free Fermion Field vs Free Boson Field
Free Boson Field Mathematical Characterization: The free boson field is characterized by a complex Hilbert space KKK, a Weyl system WWW with values in KKK, a continuous representation π\piπ from…
Brownian Motion and Stellar Dynamics – Chandrasekhar Paper
Stellar Encounters as an Example of Brownian Motion Stellar encounters as an example of Brownian motion, outlines the similarities between stellar dynamics and the classical theory of Brownian motion. It…
The Church-Turing principle and the universal quantum computer
David Deutsch's paper, "Quantum theory, the Church-Turing principle and the universal quantum computer," presents several key arguments and concepts central to the field of quantum computing: Church-Turing Principle: Deutsch extends…
Many Worlds’ Interpretation – The Universal Wavefunction
Hugh Everett's dissertation, "The Theory of the Universal Wavefunction," presents the foundations of what later became known as the Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics. Here are the key points…