Free Scalar Field Equation – Solved using matrix mechanics
Free Scalar Field: Field Equation and Matrix Mechanics Solution
Field Equation for a Free Scalar Field
The action for a free scalar field φ(x) in four-dimensional spacetime is given by:
S = ∫ d⁴x [ (1/2) ∂μφ ∂μφ – (1/2) m²φ² ],
- φ(x) is the scalar field.
- m is the mass of the scalar field.
- ∂μ = ημν ∂ν, with the metric signature (+, -, -, -).
The Euler-Lagrange equation for this action yields the Klein-Gordon equation:
□φ + m²φ = 0,
□ = ∂μ∂μ = ∂²/∂t² – ∇²
is the d’Alembertian operator.
Matrix Mechanics Representation
1. Discretizing Spacetime
Spacetime is replaced by a finite lattice with points xi (e.g., i = 1, 2, …, N). The field φ(x) is represented as a vector:
φ(x) → 𝐯 = [ φ(x₁), φ(x₂), …, φ(xN) ]T.
2. Representing Derivatives with Matrices
The derivative operators ∂μ and □ are approximated using finite difference methods:
- The spatial Laplacian ∇² is represented by a matrix 𝐋.
- The time derivative ∂²/∂t² is represented by another matrix.
The d’Alembertian □ becomes:
□φ → 𝐃𝐯,
where 𝐃 is the discretized representation of □.
3. Equation in Matrix Form
The Klein-Gordon equation in matrix form is:
𝐃𝐯 + m²𝐯 = 0.
4. Solution Using Eigenmodes
The solution can be found by diagonalizing the operator 𝐃 + m²𝐈. Let 𝐔 be the matrix of eigenvectors and Λ the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues:
𝐃 = 𝐔Λ𝐔†.
The solution to the matrix equation is then:
𝐯(t) = 𝐔 e-i√Λt𝐜,
where 𝐜 is determined by the initial conditions.
Physical Interpretation
- Eigenmodes: Each eigenmode corresponds to a plane wave solution e-i(E t – k⋅x) with the dispersion relation E² = k² + m².
- Superposition: The field evolution is a superposition of eigenmodes governed by the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 𝐃.
This matrix mechanics representation is commonly used in numerical simulations of quantum field theories and lattice field theory computations.
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