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Nowhere Differentiable Functions

Nowhere differentiable functions are functions that are continuous everywhere but do not have a well-defined derivative at any point. They exhibit erratic behavior, and although they can be integrated (as integration measures the area under the curve), they defy differentiation in the conventional sense.

1. Weierstrass Function

The Weierstrass function is one of the first discovered examples of a continuous, nowhere differentiable function. It is defined as:

    W(x) = ∑n=0 an cos(bn π x)


  • 0 < a < 1
  • b is an odd integer such that ab > 1 + 3/2 π

This function is continuous but has no well-defined derivative at any point due to the rapid oscillations caused by the series.

Weirstrass Function
Weirstrass Function

Integration: Yes, the Weierstrass function is integrable since it’s continuous and bounded. The integral of the function over an interval exists and is well-defined, but the result might not be simple to compute due to its complex structure.

2. Cantor Function (Devil’s Staircase)

The Cantor function is another famous example of a function that is continuous but nondifferentiable almost everywhere. It’s defined on the unit interval [0, 1] using the Cantor set and is constructed by removing the middle thirds repeatedly from each remaining segment.

Integration: The Cantor function is not differentiable almost everywhere, but it is integrable. In fact, the integral of the Cantor function over the interval [0, 1] is equal to 0.5.

3. Brownian Motion (Wiener Process)

A Brownian motion path, denoted B(t), is a random process that is continuous almost surely but is nowhere differentiable with probability 1. This is commonly used in fields such as physics and finance for modeling stochastic processes.

Integration: Brownian motion is integrable in a stochastic sense (stochastic integrals), and techniques such as Itô calculus are used to handle such integrals. However, this is a special kind of integration designed to handle the irregularities of stochastic processes.

Can They Be Integrated?

Yes, most nowhere differentiable functions can be integrated, especially in the Riemann or Lebesgue sense, because integration is concerned with measuring the “area under the curve,” while differentiation is focused on the local rate of change, which is what these functions lack.

For example:

  • The Weierstrass function is integrable over any interval due to its continuity.
  • The Cantor function is also integrable, though its derivative is 0 almost everywhere.
  • For Brownian motion, special methods (stochastic integrals) allow for meaningful integration.

In general, continuity guarantees integrability, but differentiability is not necessary for a function to be integrable.


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Analytic Within and On the Unit Circle https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/analytic-within-and-on-the-unit-circle/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=analytic-within-and-on-the-unit-circle https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/analytic-within-and-on-the-unit-circle/#respond Tue, 08 Oct 2024 00:30:32 +0000 https://stationarystates.com/?p=644 Analytic Within and On the Unit Circle When discussing whether a function is analytic within or on the unit circle, we are referring to complex analysis, which deals with functions […]

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Analytic Within and On the Unit Circle

When discussing whether a function is analytic within or on the unit circle, we are referring to complex analysis, which deals with functions of a complex variable.

Analytic Within the Unit Circle

A function f(z) is said to be analytic within the unit circle if it is analytic (i.e., differentiable) at every point inside the unit circle. The unit circle is defined as the set of points z ∈ ℂ such that |z| = 1, and the region inside the unit circle is where |z| < 1.

  • Analytic Function: A function is analytic at a point if it is differentiable not only at that point but also in a neighborhood around that point. More formally, a function f(z) is analytic if it has a Taylor series expansion that converges to f(z) in some neighborhood around the point of interest.
  • Within the Unit Circle: The phrase “within the unit circle” means that the function is analytic at all points where |z| < 1. This includes all points strictly inside the circle but excludes the points on the boundary |z| = 1.

For example, the function f(z) = 1/(1 – z) is analytic within the unit circle because it can be expanded as a convergent power series:

f(z) = ∑n=0∞ zn   for   |z| < 1

This series converges for all z inside the unit circle, but the function becomes singular at z = 1 (on the unit circle), where it has a pole.

Analytic On the Unit Circle

A function f(z) is said to be analytic on the unit circle if it is analytic at every point on the unit circle, meaning |z| = 1. This is a stronger condition because the function must now be analytic at all points on the boundary of the disk defined by |z| = 1, not just within it.

  • To be analytic on the unit circle, the function must:

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      ]]> https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/analytic-within-and-on-the-unit-circle/feed/ 0 Curves Over Finite Fields https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/curves-over-finite-fields/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=curves-over-finite-fields https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/curves-over-finite-fields/#respond Tue, 08 Oct 2024 00:29:31 +0000 https://stationarystates.com/?p=642 Curves Over Finite Fields Curves over finite fields are algebraic curves defined by equations where the coefficients come from a finite field. A finite field is a field with a […]

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      Curves Over Finite Fields

      Curves over finite fields are algebraic curves defined by equations where the coefficients come from a finite field. A finite field is a field with a finite number of elements, often denoted as 𝔼q, where q is a prime power (i.e., q = pn for some prime p and positive integer n).

      Basic Concept

      An algebraic curve is given by a polynomial equation in two variables, say x and y, of the form f(x, y) = 0. When the coefficients of this polynomial come from a finite field, we call the curve a curve over a finite field.

      Example 1: Curve Over 𝔼5

      Consider the field 𝔼5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, which is the field of integers modulo 5. A simple curve over 𝔼5 is given by the equation:

      y2 = x3 + 2x + 1 (mod 5)

      This is an example of an elliptic curve over the finite field 𝔼5.

      To find the points on the curve, we substitute values of x from 𝔼5 into the equation and check if the resulting value of y2 has a solution in 𝔼5.

      • For x = 0, y2 = 1, so y = 1 or y = 4.
      • For x = 1, y2 = 4, so y = 2 or y = 3.
      • For x = 2, y2 = 4, so y = 2 or y = 3.
      • For x = 3, y2 = 0, so y = 0.
      • For x = 4, y2 = 4, so y = 2 or y = 3.

      Thus, the points on the curve are:

      (0, 1), (0, 4), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0), (4, 2), (4, 3)

      Example 2: Line Over 𝔼3

      Consider the field 𝔼3 = {0, 1, 2}, and the line defined by the equation:

      y = 2x + 1 (mod 3)

      To find the points on this line, substitute values of x from 𝔼3 into the equation:

      • For x = 0, y = 1.
      • For x = 1, y = 0.
      • For x = 2, y = 2 · 2 + 1 = 5 ≡ 2 (mod 3).

      Thus, the points on this line are:

      (0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 2)

      Key Concepts

      • Finite Fields: A finite field 𝔼q contains q elements. For example, 𝔼2 = {0, 1}, 𝔼3 = {0, 1, 2}, etc.
      • Solutions Over Finite Fields: A curve over a finite field has a finite number of solutions (points), as both the x and y values are restricted to elements of the finite field.


      Curves over finite fields have deep applications in number theory, coding theory, and cryptography. For instance:

      • Elliptic curves over finite fields are used in Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), where the security of the cryptosystem relies on the difficulty of solving the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem.
      • Error-correcting codes like Reed-Solomon codes use curves over finite fields for constructing robust codes to detect and correct errors in data transmission.

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      Examples of Non-Measurable Sets in Lebesgue Measure Theory https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/examples-of-non-measurable-sets-in-lebesgue-measure-theory/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=examples-of-non-measurable-sets-in-lebesgue-measure-theory https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/examples-of-non-measurable-sets-in-lebesgue-measure-theory/#respond Tue, 01 Oct 2024 19:46:00 +0000 https://stationarystates.com/?p=639   Examples of Non-Measurable Sets in Lebesgue Measure Theory 1. Vitali Set One of the most famous examples of a non-measurable set is the Vitali set. The construction begins by […]

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      Examples of Non-Measurable Sets in Lebesgue Measure Theory

      1. Vitali Set

      One of the most famous examples of a non-measurable set is the Vitali set. The construction begins by considering the unit interval [0, 1].
      We define an equivalence relation on such that two real numbers x and y are equivalent if x - y
      is a rational number (i.e., x - y ∈ ℚ). Using the axiom of choice, we can select exactly one representative from each equivalence class.

      The resulting set is called a Vitali set, and it can be shown that this set is non-measurable. This is because the translation invariance of Lebesgue measure
      would lead to a contradiction if such a set were measurable.

      2. Axiom of Choice-based Subsets of the Real Line

      More generally, any set whose existence relies on the axiom of choice and does not have a constructive definition (such as the Vitali set) is likely to be non-measurable.
      These sets are often subsets of or other uncountably infinite sets where elements are chosen based on arbitrary selection rather than a definable rule.

      3. Bernstein Set

      A Bernstein set is a subset of such that both the set and its complement intersect every uncountable closed subset of ,
      but neither contains any uncountable closed subset entirely. The Bernstein set can be shown to be non-measurable.

      Its non-measurability stems from the fact that it cannot satisfy the conditions for Lebesgue measure. Intuitively, there’s no way to assign a consistent measure to such a set
      given the intricate way it interacts with closed sets.

      4. Hamel Basis of ℝ over ℚ

      A Hamel basis is a basis for the real numbers considered as a vector space over the rationals .
      The elements of a Hamel basis are such that every real number can be expressed uniquely as a finite linear combination of these elements with rational coefficients.

      A Hamel basis is non-measurable because it can be used to translate a measurable set in ways that violate the translation invariance of the Lebesgue measure.
      Essentially, shifting the basis elements by rational numbers can lead to contradictions in measure theory.

      5. Example Based on the Banach-Tarski Paradox

      While the Banach-Tarski paradox primarily involves 3-dimensional spaces, its construction hints at the existence of non-measurable sets.
      The paradox shows that a solid ball in 3D space can be decomposed into a finite number of non-measurable pieces, which can then be reassembled into two balls identical to the original.

      The sets used in this decomposition are non-measurable under Lebesgue measure.

      In summary, non-measurable sets often arise from constructions that require the axiom of choice and exhibit strange properties, particularly with respect to translation and countable additivity. The Vitali set and Hamel basis are classic examples of such sets.


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      Relationship Between Measure Theory, Lebesgue Integrals, and Hilbert Spaces https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/relationship-between-measure-theory-lebesgue-integrals-and-hilbert-spaces/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=relationship-between-measure-theory-lebesgue-integrals-and-hilbert-spaces https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/relationship-between-measure-theory-lebesgue-integrals-and-hilbert-spaces/#respond Tue, 01 Oct 2024 00:14:14 +0000 https://stationarystates.com/?p=637   Understanding the Relationship Between Measure Theory, Lebesgue Integrals, and Hilbert Spaces To understand the relationship between measure theory, Lebesgue integrals, and Hilbert spaces, we need to break down each […]

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      Understanding the Relationship Between Measure Theory, Lebesgue Integrals, and Hilbert Spaces

      To understand the relationship between measure theory, Lebesgue integrals, and Hilbert spaces, we need to break down each concept and then see how they connect.

      1. Measure Theory

      Measure theory is the mathematical foundation for defining and understanding the “size” or “volume” of sets, especially in contexts that go beyond simple geometric areas or volumes.

      • A measure is a function that assigns a non-negative real number (or infinity) to subsets of a space, allowing us to generalize notions like length, area, and probability.
      • For example, the Lebesgue measure in the real number line is a way of defining the length of intervals.
      • Measure theory provides the tools to work with infinite or uncountable sets in a rigorous way, making it essential for dealing with functions that aren’t necessarily continuous everywhere (such as discontinuous or complex functions).

      2. Lebesgue Integrals

      The Lebesgue integral extends the classical Riemann integral by integrating functions with respect to a measure, rather than just over intervals. It is designed to handle a broader class of functions, especially those that might be irregular or have discontinuities.

      • In contrast to the Riemann integral, which sums “heights” of functions over intervals, the Lebesgue integral sums the “measures” of function values over sets where the function takes on specific values.
      • The Lebesgue integral is powerful because it allows for integration of functions that might not be Riemann integrable (for instance, highly oscillatory functions or those with many discontinuities), as long as they are “measurable.”

      Relationship between Measure and Lebesgue Integrals:

      • A function is Lebesgue integrable if the area under its curve can be described using measure theory. This means we are essentially summing “measured” sets of points where the function reaches certain values.
      • Lebesgue integration helps avoid some of the limitations of Riemann integration, such as dealing with functions that have complex discontinuities.

      3. Hilbert Spaces

      A Hilbert space is a generalization of Euclidean space, but it can be infinite-dimensional. It is a complete inner product space where distances and angles can be measured, making it a natural setting for various kinds of mathematical analysis, particularly in functional analysis and quantum mechanics.

      • The notion of distance in Hilbert spaces is defined using the inner product. This generalizes the concept of the dot product in Euclidean space.
      • L² spaces (spaces of square-integrable functions) are a crucial example of Hilbert spaces. In this context, the functions are integrated using the Lebesgue integral, and the “distance” between two functions is the square root of the integral of the square of their difference:
        ‖f - g‖ = √(∫ |f(x) - g(x)|² dμ(x))

        where μ is a measure, often the Lebesgue measure in real analysis.

      Connection to Measure Theory and Lebesgue Integrals:

      • Hilbert spaces, particularly L² spaces, rely heavily on Lebesgue integrals to define inner products and norms. The inner product of two functions f and g in an space is defined as:
        ⟨f, g⟩ = ∫ f(x) g(x) dμ(x)
      • This requires integrating using the Lebesgue measure.
      • The completeness of a Hilbert space means that if a sequence of functions converges in the norm, then it converges to a function that is also in the space. This is crucial in many applications of analysis, including solving differential equations and in quantum mechanics.

      Summary of Relationships

      • Measure theory provides the foundational concept of size and “measurability” necessary to define integration more generally.
      • Lebesgue integrals extend the classical integral to work with more complex functions by using measure theory. This is essential for defining concepts like convergence in function spaces.
      • Hilbert spaces, particularly spaces, use Lebesgue integrals to define inner products and norms, making them a natural setting for analyzing functions. The structure of Hilbert spaces allows for the rigorous study of function spaces and is critical in many areas of mathematical analysis, physics, and engineering.


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      Lebesgue Integral Solved Problems https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/lebesgue-integral-solved-problems/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=lebesgue-integral-solved-problems https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/lebesgue-integral-solved-problems/#respond Mon, 30 Sep 2024 18:48:48 +0000 https://stationarystates.com/?p=635 Lebesgue Integral Solved Problems Problem 1: Simple Example of a Lebesgue Integral Problem: Compute the Lebesgue integral of the function f(x) = 2 over the interval [0, 3] using the […]

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      Lebesgue Integral Solved Problems

      Problem 1: Simple Example of a Lebesgue Integral

      Problem: Compute the Lebesgue integral of the function
      f(x) = 2 over the interval [0, 3] using the Lebesgue measure.


      1. First, recall that in the Lebesgue integral, we’re summing over the function values multiplied by the measure of the set where the function takes those values.
      2. Since f(x) = 2 is constant for all x ∈ [0, 3], we can simplify the calculation.
      3. We need to compute:
        ∫₀³ 2 dμ(x)

        where μ(x) is the Lebesgue measure, and it assigns the “length” of the interval to the set.

      4. For a constant function, this is simply the value of the function multiplied by the length of the interval:
        ∫₀³ 2 dx = 2 × (3 - 0) = 6

      Conclusion: The Lebesgue integral of f(x) = 2 over [0, 3] is 6.

      Problem 2: Lebesgue Integral of a Highly Oscillatory Function

      Problem: Compute the Lebesgue integral of the oscillatory function
      f(x) = sin(1/x) over the interval (0, 1].


      1. The function f(x) = sin(1/x) oscillates wildly as x → 0. To manage this, we’ll need to carefully apply the Lebesgue integral by breaking the function into smaller pieces.
      2. To compute the Lebesgue integral, we will use the absolute integrability of the function and analyze whether this integral converges.
      3. We need to compute:
        ∫₀¹ sin(1/x) dx

        The oscillations in sin(1/x) are extreme as x → 0, but due to the bounded nature of the sine function (i.e., |sin(⋅)| ≤ 1), we can assess whether the integral of this oscillatory function converges or not.


      Although the function oscillates as x → 0, the crucial idea is whether the oscillations “cancel out” enough to give a convergent integral. In fact, due to the high-frequency oscillations near 0, the integral doesn’t have a limit in the classical sense.

      But we can study the absolute value of the function to determine whether it’s integrable in the Lebesgue sense.


      1. We examine the behavior of the integral of the absolute value:
        ∫₀¹ |sin(1/x)| dx
      2. Since |sin(⋅)| ≤ 1, we know that:
        ∫₀¹ |sin(1/x)| dx ≤ ∫₀¹ 1 dx = 1

        This shows that the absolute value of the oscillatory function is bounded and integrable over (0, 1].


      While we cannot easily compute the exact value of this integral (as it doesn’t have a simple expression), the key insight is that Lebesgue integration allows us to conclude that the oscillatory function f(x) = sin(1/x) is Lebesgue integrable over (0, 1], thanks to the boundedness of the sine function and the convergence of the integral.


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      Galois group of a polynomial https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/galois-group-of-a-polynomial/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=galois-group-of-a-polynomial Sat, 13 Jul 2024 04:25:41 +0000 https://stationarystates.com/?p=533 The Galois group of a polynomial is a concept in the field of algebra, specifically within Galois theory, which studies the relationship between field extensions and group theory. The Galois […]

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      The Galois group of a polynomial is a concept in the field of algebra, specifically within Galois theory, which studies the relationship between field extensions and group theory. The Galois group of a polynomial provides deep insights into the solvability and structure of the roots of the polynomial.

      Key Concepts

      1. Polynomial and Its Roots

      • A polynomial f(x)f(x) with coefficients in a field KK (typically Q\mathbb{Q}, R\mathbb{R}, or C\mathbb{C}) can be written as f(x)=anxn+an−1xn−1+⋯+a0f(x) = a_n x^n + a_{n-1} x^{n-1} + \cdots + a_0.
      • The roots of f(x)f(x) are the solutions to the equation f(x)=0f(x) = 0.

      2. Splitting Field

      • The splitting field LL of f(x)f(x) over KK is the smallest field extension of KK that contains all the roots of f(x)f(x).
      • If f(x)f(x) has degree nn, the splitting field LL will be an extension of KK with a degree that divides n!n!.

      3. Automorphisms

      • An automorphism of a field LL is a bijective map from LL to itself that preserves addition and multiplication.
      • The automorphisms of LL that fix KK form a group under composition.

      4. Galois Group

      • The Galois group Gal(L/K)\text{Gal}(L/K) of the polynomial f(x)f(x) is the group of all automorphisms of LL that fix every element of KK.

      Steps to Determine the Galois Group

      1. Find the Roots: Determine the roots of the polynomial f(x)f(x). This can be done exactly for polynomials of degree 2, 3, and 4, but for higher degrees, it might require numerical or symbolic methods.
      2. Construct the Splitting Field: Identify the splitting field LL of the polynomial over the base field KK.
      3. Determine Automorphisms: Identify all automorphisms of the splitting field that fix the base field.
      4. Form the Group: The set of these automorphisms forms the Galois group, denoted Gal(L/K)\text{Gal}(L/K).


      1. Quadratic Polynomial

      Consider f(x)=x2−2f(x) = x^2 – 2 over Q\mathbb{Q}:

      • The roots are ±2\pm \sqrt{2}.
      • The splitting field is Q(2)\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2}).
      • The Galois group consists of two elements: the identity automorphism and the automorphism sending 2\sqrt{2} to −2-\sqrt{2}.
      • Thus, Gal(Q(2)/Q)≅Z/2Z\text{Gal}(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2})/\mathbb{Q}) \cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}.

      2. Cubic Polynomial

      Consider f(x)=x3−2f(x) = x^3 – 2 over Q\mathbb{Q}:

      • The roots are 23,23ω,23ω2\sqrt[3]{2}, \sqrt[3]{2}\omega, \sqrt[3]{2}\omega^2, where ω\omega is a primitive cube root of unity.
      • The splitting field is Q(23,ω)\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2}, \omega).
      • The Galois group has order 6 and is isomorphic to S3S_3, the symmetric group on 3 elements.

      Importance of the Galois Group

      • Solvability by Radicals: A polynomial is solvable by radicals if and only if its Galois group is a solvable group.
      • Field Extensions: The structure of the Galois group provides information about the intermediate fields between KK and LL.
      • Symmetry: The Galois group reflects the symmetries of the roots of the polynomial and helps in understanding the nature of the solutions.


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      The Galois Group and Representation Theory https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/the-galois-group-and-representation-theory/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-galois-group-and-representation-theory Sat, 13 Jul 2024 03:46:37 +0000 https://stationarystates.com/?p=529 Galois Group Overview The Galois group is a concept from the field of algebra, specifically in the study of field theory and polynomial equations. It is named after the French […]

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      Galois Group


      The Galois group is a concept from the field of algebra, specifically in the study of field theory and polynomial equations. It is named after the French mathematician Évariste Galois.

      Key Concepts

      • Field Extensions: A field extension L/KL/K is a pair of fields KK and LL such that KK is a subfield of LL.
      • Automorphisms: An automorphism of a field LL is a bijective map from LL to itself that respects the field operations (addition and multiplication).
      • Galois Group: Given a field extension L/KL/K, the Galois group Gal(L/K)\text{Gal}(L/K) is the group of all automorphisms of LL that fix every element of KK.


      Consider the field extension Q(2)/Q\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2})/\mathbb{Q}:

      • The automorphisms of Q(2)\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2}) that fix Q\mathbb{Q} are the identity map and the map sending 2\sqrt{2} to −2-\sqrt{2}.
      • Therefore, the Galois group Gal(Q(2)/Q)\text{Gal}(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2})/\mathbb{Q}) has two elements, often denoted by {id,σ}\{ \text{id}, \sigma \}, where σ(2)=−2\sigma(\sqrt{2}) = -\sqrt{2}.

      Representation Theory


      Representation theory is a branch of mathematics that studies abstract algebraic structures by representing their elements as linear transformations of vector spaces.

      Key Concepts

      • Group Representations: A representation of a group GG is a homomorphism from GG to the general linear group GL(V)\text{GL}(V) of a vector space VV. Essentially, it maps elements of GG to invertible matrices in such a way that group operations are preserved.
      • Modules: A module over a ring is a generalization of the concept of a vector space over a field. Representation theory can also be viewed as the study of modules over group algebras.
      • Characters: The character of a representation is a function that associates to each group element the trace of its matrix in the representation. Characters provide a powerful tool for studying and classifying representations.


      Consider the symmetric group S3S_3, which is the group of all permutations of three elements:

      • A simple representation of S3S_3 is the permutation representation on R3\mathbb{R}^3, where each permutation σ∈S3\sigma \in S_3 is represented by the matrix that permutes the standard basis vectors of R3\mathbb{R}^3 according to σ\sigma.


      • Representation theory has applications in many areas of mathematics and science, including number theory, geometry, and physics.
      • It provides a way to study groups by understanding their action on vector spaces, making complex group-theoretic problems more manageable by translating them into linear algebraic terms.

      By exploring the Galois groups and representation theory, mathematicians can gain deeper insights into the structure and symmetries of algebraic objects and their interrelationships.

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      Suppose cp is a C1 function on R such that cp(x)+a and cp’(x)~b as xjoo. Prove or give a counterexample: b must be zero. https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/suppose-cp-is-a-c1-function-on-r-such-that-cpxa-and-cpxb-as-xjoo-prove-or-give-a-counterexample-b-must-be-zero/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=suppose-cp-is-a-c1-function-on-r-such-that-cpxa-and-cpxb-as-xjoo-prove-or-give-a-counterexample-b-must-be-zero Mon, 24 Jun 2024 17:32:31 +0000 https://stationarystates.com/?p=482 Suppose cp is a C1 function on R such that cp(x)+a and cp’(x)~b as xjoo. Prove or give a counterexample: b must be zero. To address the question, we need […]

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      Suppose cp is a C1 function on R such that cp(x)+a and cp’(x)~b as xjoo. Prove or give a counterexample: b must be zero.

      To address the question, we need to clarify the assumptions and notation:

      • φ(x)\varphi(x) is a C1C^1 function on R\mathbb{R}.
      • As x→∞x \to \infty, φ(x)+a\varphi(x) + a converges to some limit (presumably, this implies φ(x)→−a\varphi(x) \to -a).
      • φ′(x)→b\varphi'(x) \to b as x→∞x \to \infty.

      We need to determine whether bb must be zero.

      Analyzing the Conditions


      1. φ(x)\varphi(x) is a C1C^1 function, so φ′(x)\varphi'(x) exists and is continuous.
      2. φ(x)+a\varphi(x) + a converges as x→∞x \to \infty, which we interpret as φ(x)\varphi(x) approaching a constant value, specifically −a-a.
      3. φ′(x)→b\varphi'(x) \to b as x→∞x \to \infty.

      Let’s examine the implications of these statements.

      Asymptotic Behavior of φ(x)\varphi(x)

      If φ(x)+a→L\varphi(x) + a \to L as x→∞x \to \infty for some constant LL, then φ(x)→−a+L\varphi(x) \to -a + L . For simplicity, we can redefine LL so that φ(x)→L\varphi(x) \to L as x→∞x \to \infty.

      Now, consider the derivative φ′(x)\varphi'(x). If φ(x)\varphi(x) approaches a constant LL, the derivative φ′(x)\varphi'(x) must approach zero. This follows because if φ(x)\varphi(x) were not approaching a constant, then φ(x)\varphi(x) would not settle at a particular value, violating the assumption of convergence.

      Formal Proof

      To make this rigorous, we can use the definition of a limit:

      1. Since φ(x)→L\varphi(x) \to L as x→∞x \to \infty, for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, there exists an M>0M > 0 such that for all x>Mx > M, ∣φ(x)−L∣<ϵ| \varphi(x) – L | < \epsilon.
      2. φ′(x)→b\varphi'(x) \to b as x→∞x \to \infty implies for any δ>0\delta > 0, there exists N>0N > 0 such that for all x>Nx > N, ∣φ′(x)−b∣<δ| \varphi'(x) – b | < \delta.

      Now, if b≠0b \neq 0, then φ′(x)\varphi'(x) is bounded away from zero for large xx. This means φ(x)\varphi(x) would be increasing or decreasing without bound, contradicting the fact that φ(x)\varphi(x) approaches the constant LL.

      Therefore, bb must be zero.


      Under the given conditions, φ(x)\varphi(x) converging to a constant LL and φ′(x)\varphi'(x) having a limit as x→∞x \to \infty lead us to conclude that the limit of φ′(x)\varphi'(x) must be zero. Thus, bb must be zero.

      The post Suppose cp is a C1 function on R such that cp(x)+a and cp’(x)~b as xjoo. Prove or give a counterexample: b must be zero. appeared first on Time Travel, Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Computing.

      what is the langlands program? https://stationarystates.com/pure-math/what-is-the-langlands-program/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-is-the-langlands-program Thu, 13 Jun 2024 04:13:44 +0000 https://stationarystates.com/?p=464 The Langlands program is a set of far-reaching and deep conjectures proposed by Robert Langlands in 1967, which aims to relate and unify various areas of mathematics, including number theory, […]

      The post what is the langlands program? appeared first on Time Travel, Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Computing.


      The Langlands program is a set of far-reaching and deep conjectures proposed by Robert Langlands in 1967, which aims to relate and unify various areas of mathematics, including number theory, representation theory, and algebraic geometry. The Langlands program suggests profound connections between these areas through the language of automorphic forms and Galois representations.

      Key Concepts of the Langlands Program

      1. Automorphic Forms:
        • These are complex-valued functions defined on the upper half-plane (or more general domains) that are invariant under the action of a discrete group, such as the modular group.
        • Automorphic forms generalize classical modular forms and appear in various areas, including number theory and representation theory.
      2. Galois Representations:
        • These are homomorphisms from the absolute Galois group of a number field (or more generally, a field) into a linear algebraic group, such as GL(n).
        • Galois representations encode deep arithmetic information about the field, including solutions to polynomial equations.
      3. L-functions:
        • These are complex-valued functions associated with automorphic forms and Galois representations.
        • They generalize the Riemann zeta function and Dirichlet L-functions, playing a crucial role in number theory and the Langlands program.

      Core Conjectures of the Langlands Program

      1. Reciprocity Conjecture:
        • This conjecture posits a correspondence between automorphic forms on a reductive group (like GL(n)) and n-dimensional Galois representations of the absolute Galois group of a number field.
        • This correspondence should preserve important arithmetic and analytic properties, such as L-functions and functional equations.
      2. Functoriality Conjecture:
        • This conjecture suggests that there should be a way to transfer automorphic representations between different reductive groups, preserving their essential properties.
        • Functoriality predicts that there are “liftings” and “transfers” of automorphic forms and Galois representations that are compatible with various mathematical structures.

      Importance and Applications

      • Number Theory:
        • The Langlands program provides a framework for understanding deep connections between prime numbers, polynomial equations, and arithmetic geometry.
        • It encompasses and generalizes many classical results and conjectures, such as Fermat’s Last Theorem (via the Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture, which was proven as part of the Langlands program).
      • Representation Theory:
        • The program links the representation theory of Lie groups and algebraic groups with number theory.
        • This connection has led to new insights and results in the theory of automorphic forms and harmonic analysis.
      • Algebraic Geometry:
        • The Langlands program bridges algebraic geometry and number theory through the study of Galois representations and motives.
        • It provides a new perspective on the arithmetic of algebraic varieties and schemes.

      Historical Context and Progress

      • Robert Langlands’ Letter (1967):
        • The Langlands program began with a letter from Robert Langlands to André Weil, proposing the initial ideas and conjectures.
      • Significant Results:
        • Many aspects of the Langlands program have been proven or partially proven, such as the proof of the modularity theorem (formerly the Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture) which was crucial in the proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.
        • Ongoing research continues to explore and establish the vast web of conjectures and connections proposed by the Langlands program.


      The Langlands program is one of the most ambitious and influential projects in contemporary mathematics, aiming to create a grand unifying theory connecting number theory, representation theory, and algebraic geometry through the concepts of automorphic forms and Galois representations. Its deep and far-reaching conjectures continue to drive significant research and discoveries across multiple mathematical disciplines.

      The post what is the langlands program? appeared first on Time Travel, Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Computing.
