Archives for General Relativity and Cosmology - Page 2
Hawking Radiation and Black Hole Thermodynamics
The document titled "Hawking Radiation and Black Hole Thermodynamics" by Don N. Page provides a comprehensive review of the theoretical developments in the understanding of black holes, focusing on their…
Creating black holes and baby Universes in a lab
Take a solid sphere and compress it. The Internal High Density will cause a negative pressure (dense on the inside, pulling the outside in) This will lead to an implosion.…
The Surface of the Balloon – Galaxies Receding from Each Other
Galaxies are receding from each other Isn't this true of ANY explosive event (say a large firecracker in a closed room) - things will appear to recede from each other?…
The cosmological constant
Einstein did not have the benefit of knowing that a) There were other galaxies besides our own (Hubble found Andromeda in 1923) b) These 'other galaxies' were receding from us…
Dark Energy or Multiple Universes
There's a mystery as to why the Universe's expansion is accelerating. As per all our educated guesswork, the first 9 billion years found the Universe in a decelerating mode. The…