Archives for Basic Quantum Theory - Page 3
Blackbody radiation – Superposition Principle in Quantum Mechanics
Superposition of multiple oscillators, not possible in classical mechanics (if the oscillators are independent of each other), is what provides the correct values for the blackbody radiation field. The oscillators…
Stern Gerlach Experiment – The Key to Understanding Quantum Behavior
Some Insights - with my own verbiage - from Strange World of Quantum Physics -. Also read The Scales at which Quantum Amplitudes Apply Raw Count leads to probabilities Instead…
Free Particles do not have eigenstates
Since there are no bound energy states (nothing to BIND the free particle), there are no energy eigenstates. All energies are allowed.
Observer, Observed and Quantum Amplitudes
With the double slit experiment and it's many modifications (Quantum Eraser type experiments), there have been attempts to try and sidestep the whole 'observation' of the particle phenomenon. This is…
Black Body Radiation and Planck
At low frequencies, the black body radiation spectrum was well explained (by the Rayleigh Jeans formula). At higher frequencies, it wasn't. In fact at high frequencies, the formula predicted infinite…
It is NOT the particle that is ‘wavy’
Wave Particle DUALITY This whole idea of a 'waving' particle is misleading. It is not the whole, lumpy particle that is wavy - the particle is indeed ALWAYS lumpy. It…
One Photon at a time – Quantum Interference
The Photon Beam Splitter Take a beam splitter - send the two split halves down different paths and recombine them down the road. You will see the expected interference pattern…
The Wave Function Collapse and Reference Frames
Is the Simultaneous Collapse of the wave functions (of 2 entangled particles) in violation of Relativity? Not really. The collapse isn't a physical phenomenon. Even the originator of the wave…
What exactly IS an elementary particle?
At what point does an object stop behaving classically and start behaving Quantum Mechanically? When the size of the particle is much smaller than it's compton wavelength.