Author Archives: anuj - Page 8

Verify that a boost in the x-direction that any object traveling at speed c in an inertial frame S travels at speed c in the boosted frame.

Verify directly from the form of the Lorentz transformation representing a boost in the x-direction that any object traveling at speed c in an inertial frame S travels at speed…
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Find those subsets S ⊂ Z+ such that all but finitely many sums of elements from S (possibly with repetitions) are composite numbers.

Find those subsets S ⊂ Z+ such that all but finitely many sums of elements from S (possibly with repetitions) are composite numbers. To find the subsets S⊂Z+S \subset \mathbb{Z}^+S⊂Z+…
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Qubit Exercises

Part (i) Find the scalar product ⟨Ψ−(θ)∣Ψ+(θ)⟩\langle \Psi_{-}(\theta) | \Psi_{+}(\theta) \rangle⟨Ψ−​(θ)∣Ψ+​(θ)⟩ and discuss. Given: ∣Ψ+(θ)⟩=cos⁡(θ)∣0⟩+sin⁡(θ)∣1⟩|\Psi_{+}(\theta)\rangle = \cos(\theta) |0\rangle + \sin(\theta) |1\rangle∣Ψ+​(θ)⟩=cos(θ)∣0⟩+sin(θ)∣1⟩ ∣Ψ−(θ)⟩=cos⁡(θ)∣0⟩−sin⁡(θ)∣1⟩|\Psi_{-}(\theta)\rangle = \cos(\theta) |0\rangle - \sin(\theta) |1\rangle∣Ψ−​(θ)⟩=cos(θ)∣0⟩−sin(θ)∣1⟩ To find…
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Let R > 1 and let f be analytic on IzI < R except at z = 1, where f has a simple pole. If M n=O is the Maclaurin series for f, show that hn,+,M alL exists.

To show that the limit lim⁡n→∞nan\lim_{n \to \infty} n a_nlimn→∞​nan​ exists for the Maclaurin series f(z)=∑n=0∞anznf(z) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_n z^nf(z)=∑n=0∞​an​zn of the function fff, which is analytic in ∣z∣<R|z| <…
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An accurate map of California is spread out flat on a table in Evans Hall, in Berkeley. Prove that there is exactly one point on the map lying directly over the point it represents.

To prove that there is exactly one point on the map of California that lies directly over the point it represents, we can use a combination of the Brouwer Fixed-Point…
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Let f : R + R be continuous, with 00 s_, If(x)l dx < o. Show that there is a sequence (x,,) such that x, -+ 00, x, f (x,) 4 0, and x, f(-xc,) 4 0 as n -+ o.

Let f : R + R be continuous, with 00 s_, If(x)l dx < o. Show that there is a sequence (x,,) such that x, -+ 00, x, f (x,)…
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