Author Archives: anuj - Page 14
A photon inside the core of the Sun
A photon generated inside the Sun's core, can take over 10 million years to reach the surface. This is because the majority of the core consists of protons and electrons…
Creating black holes and baby Universes in a lab
Take a solid sphere and compress it. The Internal High Density will cause a negative pressure (dense on the inside, pulling the outside in) This will lead to an implosion.…
The Wave Function Collapse and Reference Frames
Is the Simultaneous Collapse of the wave functions (of 2 entangled particles) in violation of Relativity? Not really. The collapse isn't a physical phenomenon. Even the originator of the wave…
Entanglement – Multiple Particles vs.. Multiple Measurements on same set of particles
Can you perform multiple measurements on same set of particles? One cannot perform multiple measurements on the same set of particles, since the first experiment puts the particles in their…
The Surface of the Balloon – Galaxies Receding from Each Other
Galaxies are receding from each other Isn't this true of ANY explosive event (say a large firecracker in a closed room) - things will appear to recede from each other?…
Perfect Numbers – and a best case algorithm
Brute Force Algorithm - O (N) The brute force approach will loop through all the way from 1 to N - looking for divisors and add them to a running…
Examples of Hilbert Spaces
Hilbert Spaces can be FINITE dimensional or INFINITE Dimensional Finite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces n-Tuples of real numbers - $R^n$ - $R^5$ Inner Product would be just the dot product of…
Subspaces of Vector Spaces, Invariant Subspaces
The idea is to create a RESTRICTED space within the given vector space. Within R3 $\R^3$: $\{ \vec{i}, \vec{j}, \vec{k} \}$ we can define a space that is far more…
The cosmological constant
Einstein did not have the benefit of knowing that a) There were other galaxies besides our own (Hubble found Andromeda in 1923) b) These 'other galaxies' were receding from us…
Local neighborhood of Galaxies
Andromeda is about million light years away, and is far from the nearest galaxy to our own. Nearest Galaxies by Type Title Galaxy Date Distance Notes Nearest galaxy Milky…