Author Archives: anuj - Page 12
Particle Accelerators and deBroglie
deBroglie taught us that particle wavelengths are inversely proportional to their momentum. To probe smaller and smaller particles, requires smaller and smaller wavelengths. Which means, higher and higher momenta. Which…
Feynman’s Sum over paths approach – some tidbits
Feynman asked the simple question - if you cannot add probabilities - like in the classical case, what CAN you add to get a complete picture? It was obviously going…
Blackbody Radiation Explained
Longer waves should not fit into the blackbox. This means that there should be FEWER waves of long wavelengths (low frequencies). Hence, most of the energy (as you heat the…
All Relativity Effects are EXTERNAL to the object
The speed of objects, as observed by EXTERNAL (to the object) observers, can never exceed the speed of light. EXTERNAL to the object - is key to understanding relativity. In…
A framework to understand the root of entanglement
First read this - Wave or Particle or Neither? If indeed, a particle is a PROCESS (one in which several pulses combine to appear at a point and then dissolve…
Wave or Particle or Neither?
Wave or Particle? (According to Bohm - neither, but definitely closer to a wave) As per Bohm (from the book Quanta and Reality) - An electron is a thing that…
Two Simple Experiments to Understand the Difference between QM and Classical Mechanics
Send a stream of silver atoms (each acts like a magnetic needle, in a sense), through a strong North South magnet. What do you expect classically? Energy to knock an…
An earth like Planet needs more than just water
The presence of water is a pre-requisite. However, it is also crucial to be able to a) Keep (retain) that water. This isn't as easy as it sounds - both…
Blackbody radiation – Superposition Principle in Quantum Mechanics
Superposition of multiple oscillators, not possible in classical mechanics (if the oscillators are independent of each other), is what provides the correct values for the blackbody radiation field. The oscillators…
Stern Gerlach Experiment – The Key to Understanding Quantum Behavior
Some Insights - with my own verbiage - from Strange World of Quantum Physics -. Also read The Scales at which Quantum Amplitudes Apply Raw Count leads to probabilities Instead…