Bohm’s quantum potential approach, also known as the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation or Bohmian mechanics, is an alternative formulation of quantum mechanics that provides a deterministic framework. Here are the key aspects of Bohm’s quantum potential approach:

Key Concepts of Bohmian Mechanics

  1. Pilot Wave and Particle Trajectories:
    • In Bohmian mechanics, particles have definite trajectories, guided by a “pilot wave”.
    • The wave function ψ\psi evolves according to the Schrödinger equation, and particles follow deterministic paths influenced by this wave function.
  2. Quantum Potential:
    • The quantum potential QQ is a central element in Bohm’s approach, derived from the wave function <katex> ψ\psi.</katex>
    • It is given by: <katex>Q=−ℏ22m∇2RRQ = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{\nabla^2 R}{R}[\katex] where RR is the amplitude of the wave function ψ=ReiS/ℏ\psi = Re^{iS/\hbar}, with R=∣ψ∣R = |\psi| and SS being the phase of the wave function.</katex>
    • The quantum potential affects the motion of particles, introducing quantum effects into the classical-like trajectories.
  3. Guidance Equation:
    • The velocity of a particle is determined by the gradient of the phase SS of the wave function: <katex> v=∇Sm\mathbf{v} = \frac{\nabla S}{m}
    • This equation shows that the particle's motion is guided by the wave function's phase.
  4. Deterministic Nature:
    • Unlike the standard Copenhagen interpretation, which involves inherent randomness in measurements, Bohmian mechanics is fully deterministic.
    • Given the initial positions and wave function, the future positions of particles can be precisely determined.
  5. Schrödinger Equation and Continuity Equation:
    • The wave function ψ\psi evolves according to the Schrödinger equation: <katex> iℏ∂ψ∂t=−ℏ22m∇2ψ+Vψi\hbar \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 \psi + V \psi
    • The probability density ρ=∣ψ∣2\rho = |\psi|^2 satisfies the continuity equation, ensuring the conservation of probability.

Quantum Potential and Non-locality

  1. Quantum Potential Characteristics:
    • The quantum potential QQ depends on the form of the wave function and not directly on the distance between particles, leading to non-local interactions.
    • This non-locality means that changes in the wave function in one region can instantaneously affect the quantum potential and hence the motion of particles elsewhere.
  2. Non-local Effects:
    • Bohm's approach naturally incorporates non-locality, a feature highlighted by the famous EPR paradox and Bell's theorem.
    • The quantum potential allows for instantaneous correlations between entangled particles, consistent with quantum mechanical predictions.

Implications and Interpretational Aspects

  1. Wave Function as a Real Field:
    • In Bohmian mechanics, the wave function ψ\psi is considered a real physical field that exists in configuration space.
    • This field guides the particles, similar to how a classical field influences particles.
  2. Measurement in Bohmian Mechanics:
    • Measurements do not collapse the wave function; instead, they reveal the pre-existing positions of particles.
    • The wave function continues to evolve smoothly, maintaining the deterministic nature of the theory.
  3. Classical Limit:
    • In the classical limit, where the quantum potential becomes negligible, Bohmian mechanics reduces to classical mechanics.
    • This correspondence principle ensures consistency with classical physics in the appropriate regime.


Bohm's quantum potential approach offers a deterministic and non-local interpretation of quantum mechanics, where particles have well-defined trajectories guided by a pilot wave. The quantum potential, derived from the wave function, plays a crucial role in shaping these trajectories. This framework provides an alternative perspective to the standard Copenhagen interpretation, emphasizing realism and determinism while still accounting for quantum phenomena