Archives for June, 2024

Verify that a boost in the x-direction that any object traveling at speed c in an inertial frame S travels at speed c in the boosted frame.

Verify directly from the form of the Lorentz transformation representing a boost in the x-direction that any object traveling at speed c in an inertial frame S travels at speed…
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Find those subsets S ⊂ Z+ such that all but finitely many sums of elements from S (possibly with repetitions) are composite numbers.

Find those subsets S ⊂ Z+ such that all but finitely many sums of elements from S (possibly with repetitions) are composite numbers. To find the subsets S⊂Z+S \subset \mathbb{Z}^+S⊂Z+…
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Qubit Exercises

Part (i) Find the scalar product ⟨Ψ−(θ)∣Ψ+(θ)⟩\langle \Psi_{-}(\theta) | \Psi_{+}(\theta) \rangle⟨Ψ−​(θ)∣Ψ+​(θ)⟩ and discuss. Given: ∣Ψ+(θ)⟩=cos⁡(θ)∣0⟩+sin⁡(θ)∣1⟩|\Psi_{+}(\theta)\rangle = \cos(\theta) |0\rangle + \sin(\theta) |1\rangle∣Ψ+​(θ)⟩=cos(θ)∣0⟩+sin(θ)∣1⟩ ∣Ψ−(θ)⟩=cos⁡(θ)∣0⟩−sin⁡(θ)∣1⟩|\Psi_{-}(\theta)\rangle = \cos(\theta) |0\rangle - \sin(\theta) |1\rangle∣Ψ−​(θ)⟩=cos(θ)∣0⟩−sin(θ)∣1⟩ To find…
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Let R > 1 and let f be analytic on IzI < R except at z = 1, where f has a simple pole. If M n=O is the Maclaurin series for f, show that hn,+,M alL exists.

To show that the limit lim⁡n→∞nan\lim_{n \to \infty} n a_nlimn→∞​nan​ exists for the Maclaurin series f(z)=∑n=0∞anznf(z) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_n z^nf(z)=∑n=0∞​an​zn of the function fff, which is analytic in ∣z∣<R|z| <…
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